Saturday, October 29, 2005

To Lae

Flight to Lae is 45 minutes. Drive from the airport to centre of Lae is about 45 minutes – depending on your suspension. The potholes are of gargantuan proportions. They’re potholes that you wouldn’t so much as ‘hurt your car’ as sometimes you may not ‘be able to get your car out again’…

The actual flight is the tropical equivalent of flying over the Swiss Alps. Wow. Winding rivers through huge ranges. Ocassionally you'll see an airstrip and a small village/town. About 2/3 of the population of PNG is concentrated through the 'highlands' region - the centre of the country there.

Met up with Martin (current boss for 2 weeks) at the airport and Gai - one of the people who work in the National Office, and back to the compound... which is lovely, but more on that another time.


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