AAAHHH!!!!!!!!!! 2 robberies in 2 days of MY staff/people
Joyce (accounts clerk, hired her in Jan of this year) and Stephanie (auditor just arrived today) were walking back from work towards Eriku together last night and were robbed. Just outside the Aviat Club there on Huon Road. Another (relatively) busy, open street – well before dark (around 5pm).
Right. So for those following the blog-sphere, you’ll have seen the previous post. I visited J yesterday and he’s sitting up and talking away, though very ‘stiff’ around the midriff. I’d say at least around 30 other people came to visit over the course of the day (I can see the cars going backwards and forth from my work window). Mother is still a bit unsettled, but it alright as well now.
So J’s getting better. X-rays showed that knife didn’t hit intestines or any other important bits swimming around in there. Thank God for that…
I spoke to Joyce last night... and she’s alright, though Stephanie has scratches on her face (?) and a few other minor injuries.
Sounds like a scary and dangerous place over there....
You just make sure that you are looking after yourself nathan.
hey nath...there's more than just a couple of csbc'ers thinking of you. :)
start packing a heater dude.
and become a vigilante.
Nath, peace loving ngo god botherer by day, arse kicking mo fo by night.
be afraid, you raskol c*nts, be very afaid.
Hah! Fire up dang! Heh... no mo-fo'ing for me at nights. Zen Christianity all the way...
Can't wait for my grandparents to read that comment *cough*-*cough* :-)
Talk about a harsh week for you Nath. Hope things pick up. Take care hey.
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