And then you start looking again at Oz
politics and such. With pieces of dirt legislation like this, one hopes that this will be successful as a campaign to stop this legislation...
Senator Fielding met with the Prime Minister to discuss the Bill this morning, but says he has not struck a deal with the Government.
"Australians want a strong system for determining who comes to Australia and who doesn't," he said.
"But also Australians want a fair system in that everybody is treated fairly and they're the issues that I'm weighing up, and also making sure that I've spoken to the key players on this issue."
Senator Fielding also met the Indonesian Ambassador this morning, a move that has angered Greens Senator Bob Brown.
Senator FF-Fielding (insert own acronyms match) should talk to the majority of the church groups who have been dealing with the repercussions of this (and previous) governments stances on Asylum seekers. The minimalist approach to the UN Refugee treaty we're in is a flaccid, nasty option to take.
He *has* been talking to a wide range of church groups - and there's a very wide range of views in his own church. I don't envy his position...
yeah - from what i can read he's actually been relatively good value so far in the Senate. I can sympathise to a certain extent with any politician, but I still think it's a sh*tty piece of legislation. Ergo, I don't have too much sympathy.
It's a shitty piece of legislation, but I wonder what he's being offered in return for voting in favour of it??
Huzzah! Must've been my blog post that pushed him over the edge... Kudos to you Mr FF on this one and IR.
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