Sunday, November 20, 2005


So before I came, I did some of that looking into the topic of Malaria. That's to say that I read some bits of a lonely planet, clicked around on the internet for a while, and talked to the travel doctor. All a bit vague.

Most people in PNG, except for certain times of the year in Moresby, live with the reality of Malaria alllll the time. Anyhoo's - here's a few other links/spots I've had a read of since coming down with it this weekend.

And here's another...
Though I'm yet to get thorugh it all - I'm still a bit unsure of the long-er term effects (or possible effects). Haven't found a good sharp summary of that yet - if anyone finds one pls let me know!

Actually... One of the AVI's is working with the IMR (institute for medical research) at the moment - I should prob email there also!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey desy
Good work on the updates - But can we have some photos with you in them please?
( preferably ones where you arent looking too malarial or pink-eyed or drunk and disorderly...? Oh... wait. You probably dont have any of those phots available, do you? )... (wink)
Just something to work on, now that you are updating this bloggy thingo....
Cheers mate.
Your pal, Scooby doo
( and the rest of the famous five from back here in sunny, sunny melb..)

Mon Nov 21, 12:05:00 pm  
Blogger Naaaaath said...

Scooby doo!! And how go your scooby snacks this week running up to Earthcore??

Photo's of me in them eh? But y'all already KNOW what *I* look like...

Mon Nov 21, 12:50:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah - we know what you look like ( & i've got photos of nanx-y licking your nipples at the farewell to proove it )- I just want to see some action shots of you in PNG.
With all this technology ( msn, emails and now the bloggy thing too... ) it somehow seems like you're still just up the road in Carlton somewhere....
Perhaps if we saw you dancin in the "all souls day" celebrations or some other action shots of you in the tropics - this whole thousands of kms away thing would seem a little more "real" - if ya know what i mean....

Meanwhile... all the usual suspects all literally throbbing in anticipation of earthcore this year. My resolution is to man the camera a little better and more consistently than in prior years... So hopefully when I send them all to you ( and crash your email ) - you wont feel toooooo left out this year.
We're missing the bongo van too - but definitely missing your leadership, guidance and general moral compass more...
Cheers mate.
The scoobster, et al.

Wed Nov 23, 02:38:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have to agree with your friends Nath. I certainly miss your moral compass...

Wed Nov 23, 07:22:00 pm  
Blogger Naaaaath said...


Thu Nov 24, 03:48:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that nath's moral compass only ever points south, but I think you can get a pill for that now.

Speaking of pills, what antimalarials are you on now?

The fever, shivering, joint pain and aneamia you experienced was caused by your red blood cells being invected by the protozoan critters invading and damaging your red (oxygen carrying) blood cells. Cerebral malaria only develops in severe cases where you immune system stuffs up there are so many damaged red blood cells that they block the blood vessels to the brain and other organs.

Luckily if caught early the symptoms abate as soon as the critters are killed by the funky drugs.

From what I can tell, living in such a heavily prone area, you will be reinfected again and again, gradually developing immunity to the parasite.
It's the first infection that is the most dangerous (which is why it is sometimes fatal for local children and recently arrived missionaries), but you're past that so you should be cool.

Also the particular mozzie that carries the bugs doesn't make a buzzing sound and is active all through the dark hours. Stealthy.

Looks like you'll be fellatively unharmed.

We're still gonna lock you in a plastic cube for "quarantine purposes" when you get back though.

Fri Nov 25, 01:41:00 pm  
Blogger Naaaaath said...

Nice summary - ta.

Leaving the compass aside for the moment - I'm on daily doxycyclin. People here seem to call it propholactics... but I'm not sure if that's the ex-pats at the yacht club making a bad joke - think it's actually a propholaxis (but not sure of the spelling of either of those words). One a day. Amazing how good you get at remembering to take it after you get really sick just once.

Building works and lots of sticky tape has been happening around my house to fix up the mossie screens. Hopefully a bit more safe now.

Fri Dec 02, 05:56:00 pm  

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